
Division of Humanities 和 Social 科学

关于 the Division of Humanities 和 Social 科学

The Humanities 和 Social 科学 at North Park help students underst和 和 interact with literature, 深刻的思想, 信仰, 文化, 社会, 和历史. This liberal arts education equips students with robust critical thinking 和 communication skills which are indispensable in today’s job market.


Underst和ing Cultures

Reading 和 discussing literature enable students to discover different 文化 和 time periods.

英语 Department


亚游集团官方网站, all students learn about the Christian 信仰 from professors of different Christian 信仰 traditions.

Christian Studies Department


哲学 classes focus on ethical behavior 和 help students become critical thinkers.

哲学 Department

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Among research opportunities for North Park students is NPRESS (North Park Research Experience for Summer Students), in which students conduct research in their chosen field alongside faculty mentors.



Dr. 彼得圣. 琼, Professor of 社会学 和 刑事司法, is the founder of a new field of study called Peaceology. He 和 his students explore ways of making peace profitable for communities.

关于博士. St. 琼



与教师见面 & 工作人员




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援助 & 学费

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